The Small Temple Box

The Small Temple Box

There are 36 temples with this same floor plan; 13 in the USA (Baton Rouge, Birmingham, Bismarck, Columbia, Columbus, Detroit, Medford, Memphis, Nashville, Oklahoma City, Palmyra, Reno, and St. Paul), and 23 outside the USA. The Small temple box has 50 pieces, and two compartments. It is 4” x 7” x 4⅞”, with just over … Continued

Las Vegas Temple Box

Las Vegas Temple Box

The Las Vegas temple box was the most challenging yet with its complicated angles and slopes. The six spires are an integral part of its walls, making for even more complicated cuts. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed making the Las Vegas temple box, which has 71 parts, measures 10” x 7½” x 6½”, with a box … Continued